Who are you? Describe yourself.

Create yourself. Consider yourself a character, based on real life, imagination, or anything in between.

1. What would you like people to call you?
  • Students
  • Designer
  • NewSchool Students
2. What is your source of nutrients? What animates you?
  • Sleep
  • Food
  • Boba
  • Shows
  • Pinterest
  • Instagram
  • Friends and Family
3. When do you come up with your best ideas?
  • When I'm not stressed
  • In a good mood
  • Inspired by others
  • When I least expect it
powers go here

This is a world of meow meow that is addicted to the internet.

meow? meow? meow?? meow??? meow?

Translation: Why don't you reply?? to my? message?


meow!! meow meow meow meow

Translation: I am replying!!


meow.. meow meow

Translation: Why is my screen so dirty??